Monday, November 10, 2008

Make Lemonade Out Of Lemons

Make Lemonade out of Lemons - How often have you heard that saying? I can't count the number of times in my life and I guess it pertains to many of the craft shows I have been attending. Whatever the reason, I decided to put a positive light on these shows.

The Mini Fair was pretty much a bust sales wise. Sometimes you would be there all day and sell nothing and upon ocassion, there would be a few sales. However, I spent time with another crafter who I hardly ever get a chance to see, Nina of I figured out several different displays for my items. Met other crafters as well. Was outside in the fresh air and sunshine and actually got a tan for the first time in my life!

I feel that my shop is skewed towards an older demographic and want to jazz it up so it is more appealing to a younger crowd as well. At a show recently in LA, this was the case and some younger customers gave me some great ideas. I decided that this was an inexpensive focus group.

On the other hand, I attended The Traveling Boutique at the Santa Paula Inn on Sunday, November 9. The entry fee was very small and the owner of the Inn, Donna, advertised, was a very gracious hostess and the show was awesome. Basically everyone came within the first couple of hours and then it was slow. I met some wonderful new artisans, discovered an inn I had no idea existed and had great sales. No lemons here!

But it's the luck of the draw. I wouldn't trade any of these experiences but I may do things differently next year.

1 comment:

AlliesAdornments said...

Congrats on you sales Annie! Wishing you many more! XO