Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What is your biggest fear?

I have often thought that my biggest fear would be to die alone, without the love of that special someone. This stemmed from the death of my first husband and the fact that I felt very, very alone for a long time. While I am still hunting for that special someone, I have friends and family so I will never be truly alone. Of course I have Cody and Copper too!

Recently there was a tragedy where an Etsy member's son died due to the result of a car accident. This little boy, Zachary, was 5 years old. Zachary's aunt is a team member of mine on both the Beagles and CCCOE teams. I do not personally know PineBlossoms.

As word spread through Etsy, many sellers decided to offer the proceeds from sales of their items to help defray the funeral expenses. A website was also established for monetary donations through paypal. Etsy has shut down the thread where items were posted but they are on the Beagle team blog and here is the link: If you are interested in making a donation directly through paypal, here is the link: I encourage you to look at the pictures of what a cute boy! The picture of him playing baseball is simply adorable!

I cannot imagine what or how the family is feeling; how they are coping. Many comments in the various threads mentioned that a parents biggest fear would be to lose a child. If I could waive a magic wand, no parent would EVER have to face this again. I wish it were that easy.

It made me think again of what is my biggest fear?


MsAnomaly said...

I am so sorry about your husband, Annie. Thank-you for posting this in your blog. I would have to agree with the the many Etsians who said that losing your child is the biggest fear. It is definitely mine. The death of a child seems so unfair, like blowing out a candle long before it is done burning. The light Zachary gave will always be remembered. 0:)

L. Carol Christopher said...

Annie, I'm so sorry that you had such a huge tragedy in your life. And I hope you have nothing but happiness from here on out.

Unknown said...

So sorry about your husband Annie. I wasn't aware of that. Yes, it is a terrible tragedy for the family of Zachary, and the life of this boy was far too short. He looked so sweet, i've looked at his videos too...what a sweetheart he was.

Kenna Elizabeth said...

Wow-- thank you for the reminder that we could lose a loved one at any time. I try to think of that often, to make sure I'm treating them so as to leave no regrets. I'm sorry to hear of both losses-- think I'll go donate a pic to the cause. Seems unfortunate that Etsy would shut down that thread...

Thanks to your caring, people like me can still hear about it. said...

etsy is full of wonderful people!
CreationsAnew Photography & Design

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