Friday, January 1, 2010

Today is First Day of 2010!

It's hard to believe another year has come and gone already. What happened to 2009? It is was a successful year for me on Etsy and craft shows. I am pleased with the success of my shops. I have several goals in mind and I need to redefine exactly what I want to create.

  1. Do I want to continue with 3 shops? I will keep the AnnieK shop as it's the main one and continue to expand the line. Sometimes I think my items are too plain so I will be adding more appliqued items. Potholders, coffee press cozies and trivets worked out well so I will be continuing that trend.
  2. Codys Closet will expand to include cat items and will add some dog bandanas, blankets and possibly leashes to match the collars.
  3. AnnieKClothing - This is the one I am the most disappointed in. It is also the one that I ignore the most. I will not be sewing any more fleece wraps; will add more bags so there is a better selection. We'll go from there.
My approach also needs to change. Listing one item, for example of a coffee cozy, rather than listing 3 or 4 makes more sense and gives a buyer many more choices rather than moving to another shop with more options.

For me personally my number one goal is my health. My asthma is out of control and needs to be brought under control. To do this, after visiting the doctor, I will be losing weight. I started drinking Pepsi again and am so ready to give it up. Exercise, exercise, exercise.

I also have to get myself to the dentist. I have a good dentist, I just think of them as butchers! I have to schedule oral surgery and I will be off for 3-4 days from work. Not going to be fun but it has to be done.

My other goal is to get myself out there for dating. I have been on a few dates with someone I really, really like but it is casual and there are no commitments.

Well that's a lot of accomplish in a year so I guess I better get started.

Happy New Year!


Yolanda M. said...

Sounds like a productive year ending and another starting Annie!
Go for it, you'll do great!

MsAnomaly said...

Putting yourself first is a great resolution, especially with health. I need to start getting more sleep, and eating better would help, too. I think women get so caught up in their other responsibilities, we often put ourselves last. Good luck with your asthma and dental issues, and good for you for taking control!

Three Wishes Collective said...

Very inspiring; it sounds like you've given this a lot of thought. MsAnomaly is right...women typically do not take care of themselves, we're too caught up in taking care of others or things, that we put our own needs last, so good for you!

L. Carol Christopher said...

So inspiring that you've thought so carefully about the coming year. I admire your goals, maybe enough to set some of my own -- although I feel like this year I'll mostly be on auto-pilot. Good luck!